Image https://archiv.henrys.de/images/267/387/26738719.jpg?20240328104431
Image https://archiv.henrys.de/images/267/387/26738719.jpg?20240328104431
Category: Post-auction sale - Antiques and collector objects
Position: Id: 26738719 · Catalogue number: 04-05252 Ware in house 2
Price: 1.063,- €
Beschreibung Bone vertebra of a crocodile, Messel pit, approx. 49 million years old, exceptionally large details of the raised bone structure and the vertebra can be seen, find from 1989, prepared using the reburial plastic transfer method, size of the fossil 8x3x2cm, plate 13x8cm with hanger, museum, cf. Lit. Messel, A showcase into the history of life and the earth, 1988, pp. 107-118
Hochaufgelöste Originalbilder